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Welcome to our Nordic Developer portal!

We welcome you to take a look at our Nordic developer portal and join us to our Open banking journey to the future.

Why we are doing this?

Looking out the financial industry window, by the end of 2020, you see more and more digitalization journeys going on. These journeys started quite a long time ago but, with the pandemic during this year, the speed of digitalization has increased tremendously. Now we all, both private and at work, have easier to see & to use the opportunities it creates.

One digitalization journey that started some years back is the Open Banking journey. The PSD2 EU Directive was one of the key factors that put pressure on banks to open up their APIs in purpose to increase competition with customers at front. During 2020 we have seen a bank industry generic increased usage of PSD2 APIs showing Open Banking value for real is created in the society.

We, Santander Nordic, are also on a digitalization & Open Banking journey to become a true Nordic bank with purpose to release value for our customers & partners in a frequent and Nordic way.

What are we doing?

There for we now have closed our local Developer Portals in Norway, Sweden and Denmark and released one Nordic Developer Portal. Here you will find an overview of exposed APIs and thorough documentation and Sandbox to start co create value.

Our Developer Portal vision is to become a one stop shop for the Nordic market, where developers can co-create value in a constantly updated pick and build environment that leaves the developers with a smile

For who we do this?

As you can see in our vision our target user is you as a developer. There for we invited developers from day one in creating this portal to make sure it’s the right content and the right services. If you are a developer reading this, you know best way of developing is to start small – release - and use feedback loop to improve. That is also how we will drive this portal going forward. With that said the portal is of course open to anyone who are interested in exploring our APIs.

If you need help

Have a look and try out our APIs/Sandbox and don’t hesitate to contact us on

What happens next?

We are developing new open APIs that are covering whole Nordic market and provide one integration to reach 4 countries. Simultaneously, we are developing the Nordic developer portal to cover more self-service functionalities to provide fast onboarding and the first “hello world”.

Welcome to our Developer Portal and we look forward hearing from you! 

Greetings from our Open Banking team,

Tobias Gustafsson Niska
Head of Open banking
