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Santander Nordic Developer Portal

By using Santander Developer Portal you (the “User”) approve of the following terms and conditions (the “Agreement”):
  1. Any and all information and functionalities including Santander’s APIs or content accessible through APIs provided through Santander’s Developer Portal and Santander’s testing environment (the “Sandbox”) is provided without any warranty of any kind, whether express or implied, including without limitation the implied warranties of merchantability, fitness and for a particular purpose and non-infringement of third party rights. Santander may at its own discretion change the information or functionalities at any time without prior notice. In addition, Santander may change the terms and conditions of this Agreement. Santander shall inform the User before such changes enter into force, such information could for example be provided via the website.
  2. Santander owns all rights, title, interest and intellectual property rights in the Sandbox applications, functionalities and the related information in the Developer Portal including the right to copy, amend, modify, develop, sublicense, sell and assign such rights. Santander provides a limited license to use the information and related APIs for the User to test and assess the feasibility of Santander’s services.
  3. The use of the Sandbox does not constitute any transfer of the User’s intellectual property rights to Santander. Santander may however, use the feedback submitted to Santander to improve and develop its services.
  4. The User agrees not to (i) reverse engineer, reverse compile, decrypt, unmask, or reverse assemble the Sandbox or data accessible via Sandbox and not to (ii) distribute, disclose, publish, market, sell, rent, lease, sublicense or assign to any third party any information to which the User has access via Sandbox without Santander’s prior written consent. In addition, The User may not impose any viruses, worms, defects, trojan horses, DDOS attack or any programming of destructive nature and the information the User has provided to Santander in order to use the Sandbox is accurate.
  5. Santander has no liability, either direct or indirect, related to or arising from (i) the use of the information at the Developer Portal or (ii) the use of the software or specifications released in the Sandbox.
  6. Santander may terminate this Agreement without cause by giving no less than thirty (30) days prior notice to the User’s e-mail address registered at the Developer Portal.
  7. Notwithstanding point 6 above, Santander may suspend or terminate the User’s right to access the Developer Portal and/or the Sandbox with immediate effect and without prior notice if (i) the User is in breach of this Agreement or (ii) in case of inactivity during more than twelve consecutive months.
  8. Upon termination according to point 6 and 7 above, the User will no longer have access to the Developer Portal and the User’s Client IDs will be terminated.
  9. Santander uses cookies for supporting operation and functionalities of the Developer Portal and the Sandbox. Information about Santander’s use of cookies and Santander’s privacy notice are available at the Developer Portal.
  10. No public disclosures (publications, press release, promotional material or other form of publicity) by the User relating to this Agreement shall be made without the prior written approval of Santander.
  11. The User undertakes not to disclose or make available the content in the Sandbox or the communication with Santander to any third party, unless explicitly permitted by Santander. In addition, User are not allowed to share their login details with 3rd party and are obliged to treat login details secure.
  12. Mere user registration to Sandbox does not constitute a right to access to piloting with real customer data without express consent of Santander.
